This beautiful, matted print displayed in a forest green matt is printed on an ivory card stock, text includes the local origin of the name, meaning, emotional spectrum, personal integrity, personality, relationships, travel & leisure, career & money, life's opportunities, played in a resealable display bag with a backing board. Each name meaning print has its name and number secured to the corner with a sticker, names have an A-Z dividers for easy searching of a specific name. We also take special orders for those hard to find names. Any name any spelling.
Materials - Cardstock, Matting, Reseal Bag
Individual Names can be ordered from here
The Boys 200 SET, contains the following Boys Names:
Aaron, Adam, Aidan, Aiden, Alan, Albert, Alfred, Alan, Andrew, Anthony, Antonio, Arthur, Benjamin, Billy, Bobby, Brad, Braden, Brady, Brandon, Brendan, Brian, Bruce, Bryan, Caden, Caleb, Cameron, Carl, Carlos, Carson, Carter, Chad, Charles, Charlie, Chris, Christian, Christopher, Cole, Colin, Collin, Conner, Connor, Conor, Cooper, Craig, Curtis, Dale, Daniel, Danny, David, Declan, Dennis, Derek, Don, Donald, Douglas, Dylan, Earl, Eddie, Edward, Edwin, Eric, Ernest, Ethan, Eugene, Evan, Francis, Frank, Fred, Frederick, Gabriel, Gary, Gavin, George, Gerald, Glenn, Gregory, Harold, Harry, Hayden, Henry, Herbert, Hunter, Ian, Isaac, Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jaden, James, Jason, Jayden, Jeff, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jerry, Jesse, Jesus, Jimmy, Joe, Joel, John, Johnny, Jon, Jonathan, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Juan, Justin, Kaden, Keegan, Keenan, Keith, Kenneth, Kevin, Kieran, Kiernan, Kyle, Landon, Larry, Lawrence, Lee, Leonard, Liam, Logan, Louis, Lucas, Luis, Luke, Marcus, Mario, Mark, Martin, Marvin, Matthew, Max, Melvin, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Morgan, Nathan, Nicholas, Noah, Norman, Owen, Padraig, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Philip, Phillip, Quinn, Ralph, Randall, Randy, Ray, Raymond, Richard, Ricky, Robert, Rodney, Roger, Ronald, Ronan, Rory, Rowan, Roy, Russell, Ryan, Samuel, Scott, Seamus, Sean, Shawn, Stanley, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Terry, Thomas, Tiernan, Timothy, Todd, Tony, Travis, Trevor, Tristan, Troy, Victor, Vincent, Walter, Wayne, William, Willie, Wyatt, Xavier, Zachary